Hi, strangers who might come and pass by my blog, i m not sure if my blog silly or not, becouse none droped me any comment till now, i m thing in making a new blog , and make some comment from there on this blog, its ok any qay , i think in it as a good stanch in future to see my past works, diary and how i used to work in the past, these days i m so busy for translating a n English book on history of architecture into arabic, i hope it could be a useful work for studing art and history,
for the tale of crocodiles 's lake , i take a day off from the book, and i m working on a sketch for the next story; tale of the three ugly trolls" , the main character is a small bug named Mr. Binnop , its a very wise bug used to live under the root of a tree, very friendly creature loved by all animals but in same time has his vision in life m which is for most animals hard to anderstand, he is so much like master Yoda but much smaller and easy to crash and smatch under animals feet,any way i just finshed the design for his head which taken a good time from me to get seteld on a shape, its a character sheet '(side and front) i guess for the prespective i shall be more brave and try to make it on pc, i will make lines and scan it it then colourd on photoshop (b&w) as all my book ilustration , but still a good step.
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Mr. Binnop the bug السيد "بينوب" الخنفس |
You may keep this blog as an art diary-like you said- but never mind the comments, they might come later or even not at all, but it should change nothing, those who belong to that world where your inspiration dwells will find their way to you no matter how long it might take them to leave a comment here... Just keep true to your art and the rest will take care of itself, and write, draw... create... because you can't live with out it, because it's insuperable cherished part of you, because you can't be otherwise.
ردحذفthx alot Hussam,its 1st time note ur comment